“Financial independence is generally used to describe the state of having sufficient personal wealth to live, without having to work actively for basic necessities. For financially independent people, their assets generate income that is greater than their expenses.”
3,186 days ago I started on a journey to early Retirement which at the time I defined as work becoming optional. Only later did I discover that the more appropriate terminology for what I was chasing was FIRE – financially independent and retired early. Every week since that journey started I’ve sat down and updated my financial position and progress to FIRE. Today this stared back at me:
Click to enlarge, Path trodden towards financial independence
One of these is the risk that my State Pension might not be triple locked or at least increased with inflation. Now in my financial planning I’ve never assumed I’d be entitled but I’d always planned on continuing to pay in voluntarily as my insurance policy against financial Armageddon. Now that insurance policy might be almost worthless as we all know the damage that inflation can inflict. A second is the risk that at State Pension age I won’t be entitled to the same public healthcare as a local in my new adopted EU country courtesy of UK PLC. This might mean private healthcare into our dotage but what if we do fall into poor health and our chosen private provider decides we’re no longer profitable enough for them.
At the other end of the scale we’ve seen the government of one of my potential homes, Cyprus, reduce Immovable Property Tax (IPT), which is the equivalent of Council Tax, by 75% in 2016 with a plan to then subsequently abolish it in 2017. This is a country with so much debt that the Troika stepped in to bail them out only a few short years ago and now they’re cutting taxes by 75% or more. Sure it plays into my hands for now but it’s not much good if it leads to bust and closed cash points later.
So in light of all of this what right do I actually have to call myself financially independent? Below is my justification.