I also thought that I was too busy to write the book but in hindsight that was just the victim coming out in me. Like anything in life both achievement and success is all about unrelenting prioritisation in my experience. Without that you just don’t have a chance. So with a focus on just work and the book (thanks go out publically to a very understanding and supportive family who’ve had to put up with it and me) I’ve been able to get it written over the past months and it’s now published.
I’ve called the book - From Zero to Financial Independence in less than 10 Years: Tools and techniques to escape the rat race quickly. It’s currently only available on Amazon but is available in both ebook and paperback formats giving some choice.
So why write it? A few reasons:
- I’ve found my FI journey an incredible experience both financially and spiritually. I’ve also learnt so much, including a lot about myself, most of which will serve me well for life. This includes a switch to focusing on quality of life rather than the far more common standard of living. At age 44 I am also now in a position that is incredibly liberating and empowering. I would just love others to be able to at least see what’s possible and hope the book might spread that message further than this blog. If they then choose to stay on their current course I’m more than ok as at least they saw an alternate option and made a choice. The book has only been live a few days and this goal is looking good so far. It is already ranked number 4 in their retirement planning category, number 11 in their ebook personal finance category and number 24 in their ebook finance category.
- I wanted to provide the book that readers asked for.
- An unexpected reason was that I actually found the whole process incredibly cathartic. For years I have been learning and had tonnes of information swirling in my thoughts. By sitting down and putting pen to paper it allowed all that to be organised and filed forever freeing my thoughts for more.